A move towards thyself - opening up the Pandora’s box of life
05.01.2018 (Fri) 8pm & 06.01.2018 (Sat) 3pm
Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall
TAI Tin-ching, Summer #,
Sam WONG Ting-kwan #
# By kind permission of HKAPA

Choreographer & Performer: KT YAU

Henry SHUM Chi-yee,
LEE Hong-kiu,
TO Chi-sing,
LO Chun-chung,
CHENG Tsz-yeung

- from Fukuoka Dance Fringe Festival

- from Dance Round Table Project
CHUNG Chia-jung,
HUANG Man-jyun,
WU Ping-cheng

A leap for truth – transgressing boundaries of the mind
06.01.2018 (Sat) 8pm & 07.01.2018 (Sun) 5pm
Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall
Choreographer & Performer: Joseph LEE

Choreographer & Performer: MAO Wei, Tracy WONG

- from New Dance for Asia International Festival

- from Japan Contemporary Dance Network

A turn for change – connecting to self and others
06.01.2018 (Sat) 5pm, 07.01.2018 (Sun) 3pm
Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong City Hall
Choreographer & Performer: Jennifer MOK

Pansy LO Pan-chi,
CHAN Wai-chung

Kingsan LO

- from Fukuoka Dance Fringe Festival

- from New Dance for Asia International Festival
RYU Jin-yook

Venue: Dance Studio 06, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Tutor: Kota KIHARA
Exploring the idea of release and tension, maximizing the potential and power of the body.
Venue: Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall
Tutor: CHANG Ting-ting (Curator, Dance Round Table Project / Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University of Arts and University of Taipei)
Contemporary dance techniques taught with context, emotion, and kinesthetic awareness by blending the principles of Bartenieff fundamentals, Alexandra Technique and Chinese dance training and philosophy. The goal of this class is to help participants understand both internal and external expressions, and also to increase their awareness of the way they move, emphasize body placement, energy flow, and level and space.
Venue: Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall
Tutor: KIM Hyea-yoon, RYU Jin-yook @ Ghost Dance Group
By demonstrating the harmonic duet, the Korean duo group shows their unique technique of dancing “Two-gather”. Participants will also study part of this duet and learn how to manage the speed and accuracy of the movement.
- Fee per Session: HK$100 (full-time students HK$80)
- Ticket holder of the three programmes could participate any one session of the workshops free. (Please email for registration in advance)
- Enrollment Enquiries: info@hdx.com.hk
Venue: Dance Studio 06, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
Ritsuko MIZUNO, Founder and Program Director of Japan Contemporary Dance Network
YU Ho-sik, President and Arts Director of New Dance for Asia International Festival
CHANG Ting-ting, Curator of Dance Round Table Project
Anna CHAN, Head of Dance, Performing Arts of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
Venue: Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong City Hall
Ritsuko MIZUNO, Founder and Program Director of Japan Contemporary Dance Network
YU Ho-sik, President and Arts Director of New Dance for Asia International Festival
CHANG Ting-ting, Curator of Dance Round Table Project