Wu Chien-wei
Born in 1985 at the Caotun Township of Nantou County, Taiwan, Wu is one of Taiwan’s most sought-after contemporary dancers as well as an aspiring photographer with distinct personal style. Having begun his dancing career young, Wu entered the seven-year dance program at the Taipei National University of the Arts at age 15 and was selected to participate in international dancing tours by the age of 20. Later, Wu became a full-time dancer at the Compagnie Käfig in France. Now at age 34, Wu is a seasoned contemporary dancer and choreographer. He founded The Tussock Dance Theater, which has become one of the best contemporary dance companies in Taiwan. Recent productions by The Tussock Dance Theater have all been widely heralded locally and internationally, including Two Bodies (2013), The Time (2014) and Gardenia (2016); his adapted version of The Floating Space 2017 is the first ever contemporary dance program to be performed inside the Taiwan Traditional Theater Center. Outside of his own creations, Wu has also collaborated with renowned Nanguan musician Xinxin Wang to perform Wu Su-chun’s Xiaoxiao tienwen.